Month in Review: March 2020

Hello friends!  I’m back after a short hiatus.  I needed to catch up on my reading.  It’s hard to be a book blogger when you aren’t getting any reading done afterall.

So this post is a little late, and to boot it’s a little sad.  I really didn’t get much done in March, adjusting to my new life as stay-at-home mom, educator, and recruiter.

Novels/Novellas Read: 4

Short Stories: 0

Pages Read: 1,373

Average Rating: 3.5

Female Authors: 3

Favorite Read:

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel

Other Reads Completed:


The Companions by Katie M. Flynn

A Time Of Dread by John Gwynne

The Deep by Alma Katsu (RTC)

ARCs Received:

Whelp.  There goes my ARC requesting ban.  I’m sorry.  I was doing good, for a little while anyway.

Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth

The Mirror Man by Jane Gilmartin

The Reincarnationist Papers by D. Eric Maikranz

Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee

PopSugar Challenge 2020 Prompts Completed:

A book on a subject you know nothing about: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel

A book with a map: A Time of Dread by John Gwynne

Other Posts for March:

Discussion: The Dreaded Slump

Top Ten Tuesday: Pandemic Fiction

Ideas for Staying Sane While Social Distancing

Coming Up:

A couple of these I’ve already read through, and am super excited to share!  I also fell behind in March ARCs, so I’ll be catching up with those.

What have you got planned for April?  Anything exciting?

19 thoughts on “Month in Review: March 2020

    • I love buddy reads. I haven’t been able to participate in one in quite a while, but they also give me additional insight into a book. And I love that title: “Wow, No Thank You!”


      • Samantha Irby is SOOO funny. If you decide to try her, I would recommend you read her books in order (there are three) because she writes about her life chronologically.

        When Emily and I do a buddy read, we basically read the book around the same time. We also have each other’s cell phone numbers and we’ll text thoughts randomly, especially stuff that is spoiler territory or wouldn’t fit into a review. Super laid back!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yeah- that’s a nice way to do it! I hang out a lot in the SFF Book Club on goodreads and they let us make our own threads. So we can spoiler tag our thoughts and go at our own pace. To me that’s the most effective way so I don’t forget anything- but texting works too!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I really loved The Glass Hotel! My review just went up today. Don’t worry too much about falling behind, life is just weird now and you get a pass for all the extra work you’re doing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your review was fantastic! I agreed with every point you made. It was a very emotional story even if it wasn’t something either of us would typically read.


  2. I think for April my plans are just to read. I’m not too worried about sticking to my TBR right now, so I don’t know if I will read any of the books I had intended to this spring. (Except 11/22/63, I made a promise on that one! LOL)

    I was thinking about that same POPSUGAR prompt for The Glass Hotel! At your suggestion I haven’t read anything about it, so I have no idea what it’s about. Now I just need to read it soon before I accidentally see spoilers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: May 2020 Readathin – BookWyrm Knits

  4. Pingback: May 2020 Readathin – BookWyrm Knits

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